ÖKO EUROPE est fier de devenir partenaire officiel et « Treizième Homme » de l'Olympique de Marseille.

Do you know what's really in your tap water in France and Belgium (and EU countries)?

L’eau de votre robinet peut contenir des polluants néfastes pour notre santé et qui sont invisibles à l’œil nu : pesticides, métaux lourds, polluants éternels (PFAS), microplastiques, médicaments et la liste est longue 

Our media have been talking about it for many years.
Tap water France contamination pesticides herbicides
PFAS in Paris Tap water
Large-scale contamination of drinking water
Lyon ban on drinking tap water lead contamination

What about mineral water in single-use PET plastic bottles?

It's reputed to be healthy, but in reality it's packed with microplastics and other harmful molecules such as the eternal pollutants known as PFAS. Some analyses have found faecal matter and bacteria (E.Coli) in the water.

With ÖKO, plastic becomes a huge advantage! 

For you and our planet!

Indeed, to be able to PRESS & FILTER everywhere with your hands, you need a soft material!
That's a huge advantage for you, in fact!

Le plastique ÖKO est de qualité alimentaire, sans BPA, sans microplastiques et sans phtalates !

It has a lifespan of at least 10 years- that's the real saving and ecology compared with single-use, polluting PET plastic bottles (ours is fully recyclable)!

Nos médias en parlent également

Bacteria e coli pesticides nestlé mineral water
bottled water microplastics
Mineral water contamination
Pesticides, e coli, PFAS bottled water contamination

L’eau est conforme aux normes de potabilité, pourquoi devrais-je filtrer mon eau ?

Potable = passable (il suffit d'augmenter une norme et elle redevient potable)
ÖKO = de bien meilleure qualité (le filtre peut éliminer une bonne partie des molécules non filtrées par les stations d'épuration)
A vous de choisir entre la potabilité et l'excellence pour vos cellules, 
composées de 99.2% de molécules d'eau !
Aging pipes


The pipes are obsolete, having had to be replaced decades ago, releasing their harmful particles into our taps.

Mountain hiking water bottle


Les stations d’épuration ne sont pas équipées pour filtrer des contaminants comme les pesticides, les métaux lourds, les PFAS, les médicaments etc etc

6 (very) good reasons to choose ÖKO for filtering drinking water in everyday life

Tap water filtration


Effectively filters out a large proportion of pollutants

Makes tap water safe again and transforms non-drinkable water into "drinkable".
ÖKO Europe Filtering sports flask


From children to adults, anyone can use it

Absolutely everywhere, since it fits in just one hand
Replacing plastic bottles


Plus de déchets plastiques

No more plastic pollution 
(le nôtre est en PP5, alimentaire, non-polluant et sans microplastiques)
OKO vs Carafe filter flow rate use


No waiting to drink, instant filtration

In contrast to gravitational devices such as carafe filters
ÖKO Europe Filtering sports flask


Rediscover the pleasure of drinking tap water

L'odeur (sans), la texture (ronde) et le goût (neutre) redeviennent agréables (la preuve que le filtre fonctionne)
Service life of ÖKO filter bottles


Ultra-economical for the wallet

By adopting ÖKO, the monthly cost is less than 6 €* / month
*(2 filters per year)

ÖKO uses filtration technology developed by NASA (2002)

The patented filter used in the ÖKO water bottle is a product of NASA technology transfer (SPINOFF).

It works by electro-adsorption & activated carbon.

Removes submicron negative particles (and more)

Since 2013, it has been marketed in the United States, and since 2018, ÖKO EUROPE has made it available to Europeans.

Cliquez sur ce lien pour connaître cette formidable histoire pour nous tous

Ultra-filtering system is a NASA SPINOFF

Laboratory tests

Voici un éventail des contaminants filtrés par ÖKO :
Virus elimination



99.98% filtration
Ceux testés
Bacteria filtration



99.9999% filtration
Celles testées
Elimination of parasites


Cysts, parasites

99.9993% filtration
Ceux testés
öte e. coli water


E. Coli

99.94% filtration
endotoxin filtration



83% filtration
Ceux testés
chlorine removal



95% filtration
filter chemical compounds and drugs


Drug residues

And chemical compounds (BPA...)
95% filtration
Ceux testés
fluorine removal water



The EU has set a threshold of 1.5 mg/L, but children should not exceed 1 mg/d ⚠️
No more visible traces
PFAS elimination



Eternal pollutants that remain in our bodies for life
No more visible traces
Ceux testés
heavy metal filtration lead copper


Heavy metals

Iron, Manganese, Cadmium, Copper, Nickel, Lead
Between 95% and 99
Ceux testés
plastic filtration



Microplastics are present in tap and bottled water
No more visible traces
Herbicide pesticide filtration


Pesticides & herbicides

Groundwater contaminated by agricultural use
No more visible traces
Ceux testés
DISCLAIMER : avant d'agir, veuillez lire attentivement les explications sur les tests de laboratoires en cliquant ici

The press talks about our ÖKO water bottle

OKO EUROPE media TV press

Discover all the media appearances of Jan Vansinte and ÖKO EUROPE (M6, Le Figaro, BFM, Challenges, France Bleu, podcasts & press interviews) to present the ÖKO water bottle and the French company ÖKO EUROPE.

What do you think?

Real, verified opinions

7 exemples d'utilisations concrètes

Situations of use Bottle filter kitchen non-drinking water travel hiking sport

ÖKO EUROPE contributes to

Matt Damon Africa is an international non-profit organization that has positively transformed millions of lives around the world by providing access to clean water and sanitation.

Founded by Gary White and Matt Damon, innovates by offering financial solutions to the global water crisis. For over 30 years, they have been bringing hope, health and opportunity to families in need.

ÖKO EUROPE pays them $1,000 every month

(By 2025, the aim is to increase 

this contribution)

Manage your water bottle's filtration
with the ÖKO COUNTER app


View and manage all your
bottles and those of your family.

A built-in counter lets you increment each fill with a single click (no need to mentally memorize).

Set a reminder so you don't forget to update your meters and stay on top of things.

Receive notification when it's time to change your filter, at the right time (not too early)!
