The answers to your

Category 1: Before using ÖKO

Our user manual followed by frequently asked questions
Click to download the ÖKO EUROPE user manual

First use of the gourd?

Simple and ultra-fast! All you need is a nearby water tap!

Before use, you need to run 1 L through the filter to remove any dust caused by packing and packaging (like most new filters). 

Then you can drink!

Unscrew, fill, screw and press => your water will be of much higher quality for better hydration & recovery!

Can I filter fruit juice, soft drinks, coffee, tea or other non-soft water liquids with ÖKO?

NO, our filter is designed to filter ONLY SOFT water .

You've probably seen videos of ÖKO EUROPE (or certain influencers with our permission) filtering soft drinks. There's a DISCLAIMER every time.

WHY US and not YOU?
Because we have to prove to you VISUALLY that ÖKO filtration is instantaneous, as soon as the water passes through the filter. Because if we only put clear, fresh tap water through the filter, you might doubt the instantaneous nature of the filtration, since you'd see NO visual difference. 
What's more, from a distance, you can't smell the huge difference in texture, taste and odor.

So never reproduce it at home , or you'll damage your filter irreparably.

ÖKO EUROPE cannot be held responsible for any malfunction resulting from such unauthorized filtering.

You can use the bottle WITHOUT THE FILTER for fruit juice or your favorite beverage, but under no circumstances may you use the filter to filter other liquids other than ONLY fresh water.

If the fresh water comes from a muddy puddle, rivers, streams, lakes or non-potable springs, it' s natural water: you can filter it if you have no other choice.

To put it plainly: NEVER intentionally add anything other than fresh water yourself!
The warranty against manufacturing defects will be void and you will not be entitled to a refund or replacement at our expense.

Always be responsible and careful. 

Always choose the clearest, most running water possible.

Et si vous n'avez pas le choix, pré-filtrez l'eau à l'aide d'un tissu ou autres afin d'ôter les grosses particules qui boucheront plus vite les pores du filtre qui est conçu pour filtrer CE QUI NE SE VOIT PAS.

Does the ÖKO filter remove mineral salts and trace elements (limestone, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.)?

NO, the filter does not filter mineral salts or trace elements (dissolved salts).

If you own a TDS device, which measures the quantity of minerals (conductors) present in water, you should find the same measurement BEFORE and AFTER filtration with ÖKO. This device costs from €5 to €30 on the net.

Can seawater be filtered?

NON, le filtre ÖKO est conçu initialement pour filtrer les eaux douces.

Si vous possédez un adoucisseur avec rajout de sel (sel dissous) : le filtre ÖKO ne filtre pas les sels dissous. Selon vos croyances dans le domaine des sels minéraux (chacun possède son propre avis), vous êtes responsable de l'eau que vous consommez et c'est vous qui choisissez toujours en finalité.

Traveling, trekking or hiking in foreign countries? Do you need to filter non-drinking water?

How many liters can I make with an ÖKO filter?

It all depends on the filtered water.

378 L : Celle urbaine soit l’eau de nos robinets où sont potentiellement concentrés la majorité des polluants néfastes pour nos organismes (chlore, pesticides et métabolites, PFAS (polluants éternels), métaux lourds, résidus médicamenteux, fluor et parfois, des bactéries type E.Coli (lorsque les stations de filtration déraillent).

The majority of our users filter at home and on the move (office, school, sport, airport, service station), 

at friends' etc etc).

100 L à 378 L : Celle rurale soit l’eau des rivières, des lacs et des torrents qui est transparente à l’œil nu.

Transparent doesn't mean it's not loaded with things invisible to the naked eye.

L’œil nu peut voir à partir de 80 - 100 microns (1 micron = 1/1000 de millimètre). Les bactéries mesurent entre 1 et 2 microns en moyenne. 

Microplastics between 2 and 10 microns for example.

It ALWAYS depends on the water you'll be filtering. 

If it's loaded (with particles you can't see), pores will clog faster. 

It's mechanical, and you'll feel it when you apply harder pressure.

La force de filtre, c’est de pouvoir filtrer des polluants invisibles à l'œil nu.

That's why it's so popular with hikers, trekkers and travelers the world over.

10 L to 200 L: For stagnant water (muddy puddles, sludge, etc.).

Again, it all depends on what's in the water that could clog pores faster.

Si vous avez le choix : filtrez une eau la plus claire et la plus courante possible (le robinet ou l'eau de source)

Si vous n’avez pas le choix, pré-filtrez pour ôter les particules les plus grosses.

MORALE : il existe des trilliards d’eaux « filtrables » et tout dépend de la composition de l’eau que vous serez amené à filtrer. 

Soyez responsable et prudent, en toutes circonstances.

A free, ad-free ÖKO Counter app is available so you can count your fillings. 

It is available on the App STORE and PLAY STORE.

Does the filter have an expiration date?

No, the membrane has antibacterial ions embedded around the pores, preventing proliferation and decay. As long as you haven't made up the correct bedding for the type of water you're filtering, you can use it. 
If you're not going to be using it for several weeks or months, store the filter in a dry, dark place. 
As soon as you use it again: iron 1L to reactivate the charging fields and remove any dust caused by storage.

Water temperature compatible with ÖKO?

De 5 degrés à 50 degrés. Vous pouvez donc la mettre au frigo (pas surgélateur).
In sub-zero temperatures, the water in the filter expands and can damage the 400 pores that make up the membrane. When outdoors, be sure to pack it in your backpack so that the water doesn't freeze.

Since the gourd is made of plastic, does it taste like plastic?

NON, le plastique de la gourde ÖKO est de qualité alimentaire.
Il est constitué en PP5 (Polypropylène alimentaire) sans BPA, phtalates ni microplastiques. Il est recyclable.
The plastic in ÖKO water bottles lasts for many years (depending on the intensity of use).
De plus, le filtre ÖKO contient du charbon actif soupoudré, qui ôte toute odeur et goût désagréables à l’eau que vous buvez. 
Vous redécouvrez le plaisir de boire l’eau du robinet ! 
Votre thé, votre café et autres tisanes changent complètement de goût et parfois, de couleurs ! 

Can the water bottle be fitted to a bicycle bottle holder?

Oui, uniquement la 650 mL et il faut un porte-gourde qui soit en Z afin qu’elle ne cliquote pas dans le porte-bidon, car la gourde est plus fine au centre (pour une meilleure prise en main). 
Nous pourrons vous envoyer une photo d’un modèle qui est parfait via notre service clientèle.
Alternatively, you can put it on your handlebars with a stencil found in any sports store or online.

Can I fly with the ÖKO flask?

Oui, en la passant VIDE aux contrôles. Ensuite, vous la remplissez à l’évier des toilettes de l’aéroport. Vous ferez de belles économies en évitant d’acheter des bouteilles d’eau en plastique PET1, bien chères dans ces endroits.

And what about respect for the environment?

For instant filtration and direct flow (without suction, so you can heat pre-filtered water for your coffee or tea, for example), you need a flexible body, because it's the pressure exerted by your hands that sends the water into the filter and out through the pipette.

To achieve this, we have chosen the world's most environmentally-friendly and recycled plastic: polypropylene (PP5).
This food-grade plastic is odorless and light to carry.
Sans BPA, ni phtalates, ni microplastiques.

The water bottle also has a very long shelf life. You no longer need to buy bottled water.

Once the filter has done its job, simply separate the membrane from its PP5 receptacle, place the 1st in the refuse bin and the 2nd in the yellow garbage can for recycling.

How to care for your ÖKO water bottle

All parts can be unscrewed or disassembled.
The filter does not clean itself; contaminants are trapped inside the filter membrane.
EXCEPT if you've had to filter mud, you can rinse the outside of the filter with tap water to remove soil and other particles, which will extend the life of your filter.
All other parts should be washed regularly in cold or lukewarm water.
A user manual is included with every ÖKO water bottle!
Wipe down the outside of the bottle body, especially the screw thread and the base, to avoid lime deposits which make your bottle look dirty.
If you follow these recommendations, your water bottle will last for many years.

Category 2: Ordering

What are the delivery times?

Have you just confirmed your order? What a thrill!
You will receive an e-mail from ÖKO EUROPE confirming your order. Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive your tracking number, so you can follow your order at all times.
We ship your products as quickly as possible, within 24 to 48 hours. Delivery takes between 1 and 3 working days, depending on where the products leave from.

How many days do I have to request a refund if I don't like the product?

As with any product in Europe, you have 14 days to cancel your order after receipt. Simply send us an e-mail to, or via the Contact tab on our website, and we'll deal with it as quickly as possible.

Container and filter warranty :
The bottle must be tested within 30 days of purchase to benefit from the warranty in the event of a problem. After this period, the warranty is void.

Category 3: Customer account

I can't access my ÖKO account / I can't reset my password

It is very likely that you have taken advantage of the feature that allows you to place orders without creating an account on the site.
Try creating your account using the same email address you used to place your order, and you'll find all your orders.

I can't connect to ÖKO Counter

Please note that the ÖKO EUROPE account and the ÖKO Counter mobile application account are different and not linked. You may therefore have two different e-mails or passwords!
You also need to create an account on the mobile application to use it.
Please note that if you forget your password on the mobile application, it's possible that the email to reset your MdP will arrive in the spam folder. Don't forget to take a look.

I can't find my referral link

Go to the or use the widget at the bottom left of the site (10€ button). 
Or use the ÖKO Counter mobile app, with links synchronized between the site and the app every month or so.

I can't use a discount coupon

Our discount codes (excluding sponsorship rewards and special offers) are reserved for new customers and are for one-time use only.

Category 4: How to obtain substantial discounts 

following your 1st order?

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48-hour delivery
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French-speaking customer service
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