ÖKO EUROPE allows you to make real savings
while doing good for your cells and our planet!
Average cost

0,46 € / L
(From 0.2 € to 1 € / L)
Average consumption for 1 couple

4.4 L / day
1600 L / year
(4.4 L X 365 days)
Annual expenditure

736 €
(1600 L x €0.46)
1066 PET bottles purchased...
(1600 L / 1.5 L)

63 € for
400 L (filter included in cap)

90 € for
1200 L (3 filters at 30 € / piece)
Your savings over a year
=> nearly €600!
(736 € - 153 €)
A significant health risk
93 %
Bottled water from 11 different brands contained microplasticsin varying quantities

Researchers conducted these tests in 12 countries, including Lebanon, India and the United States, led by Sherri Mason, professor at the State University of New York at Fredonia.
Bottled water is "the world' s most dynamic beverage market , valued at 147 billion US dollars a year ".
Orb Media
Uneven contamination between brands and samples
01 Study details
To reveal the microplastics, Mason and his colleagues used a special plastic-binding dye, an infrared laser and bluelight to make them fluoresce.
More advanced techniques made it possible to verify the nature of particles of at least 100 microns (0.1 millimetre), but for the smallest (6.5 to 100 microns), this could not be done.
In all probability, they are plastic, but the possibility that other contaminants have been added remains open .
Prof. Mason
I think it comes from the bottling process. Most of the plastic comes from the bottle itself
Prof. Mason
Water in glass bottles also contained microplastics
02 Results and conclusions
On average, researchers found 10.4 particles larger than 100 microns in each liter of water , and 315 particles between 6.5 and 100 microns. That's as many contaminants absorbed by our bodies.
The particles identified included polypropylene, nylon and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Particle sizes varied widely from sample to sample, ranging "from the width of a human hair to the size of a red blood cell".
Quantities were also uneven: some contained thousands, others none at all.
Nestlé Pure Life and Gerolsteiner showed the highest average densities at 807 and 930 microparticles per liter respectively, compared with 30 for San Pellegrino and 63.1 for Minalba, which showed the lowest contamination.
Particles small enough to pass through traffic
According to a report published in 2017 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Smaller debris, of the order of 20 microns, i.e.

enter the bloodstream before lodging in the kidneys and liver
95 %

of the plastic particles found in the bottled water test were between 6.5 and 100 microns .
Particles between 6.5 and 100 microns are small enough, say the researchers, for some to pass through the intestine and diffuse throughout the body.
With the ÖKO filter, these pLASTICS won't go through!
All particles greater than or equal to 2 microns are retained

Particles smaller than 2 microns are retained by the ÖKO nano-charged filter
These days, filtering your water is a must!
Because the long-term effects on our organisms are still poorly understood.
Better safe than sorry with ÖKO EUROPE