En ce qui concerne les mentions légales relatives à okoeurope.com
ÖKO Europe est un distributeur des produits ÖKO. ÖKO® est une marque déposée de Worldway Industrial Corp., Newport Beach, Californie, États-Unis. Tous droits réservés.
The editor and responsible for the content of the oko-europe.com website is ÖKO EUROPE, SAS with a capital of 50 euros, under the trade name ÖKO EUROPE, whose registered office is ZONE ARTISANALE POUILLY BAS, 9 RUE DE L'ARTISANAT, 21560 COUTERNON - France, andregistered with the DIJON Trade and Companies Register under SIRET number 848 783 015 00011 and intra-Community VAT number FR20 848 783 015.
Publication manager: Vansinte Jan Zin Suh
E-mail : info@okoeurope.com
Telephone : +33 (0)3 80 63 51 73
The oko-europe.com website has been designed and developed by BBND FRANCE, headquartered at 187 boulevard de la Liberté, 59800 LILLE - France, and registered with the Lille RCS under SIRET number 830 513 156 00018.
www.okoeurope.com is hosted by OVH, whose registered office is at 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 ROUBAIX - France, and which is registered with the Lille Trade and Companies Register under SIRET number 424 761 419 00045.