Why filter tap water?
Studies have proven for years thattap water is polluted with :
- microplastics
- particles of heavy metals (lead shot...)
- and other worrying substances (drug residues, pesticides, etc.).
Fortunately, paying attention to water quality is already a matter of routine, thanks to the water filter jugs sold in supermarkets.
In some regions, even "potable" tap water has a nauseating odour, and its taste reflects the abundance of chemical treatments. chemical treatments it has undergone to become "clean" for consumption.
The result is water that's unpleasant to drink and laden with impurities impurities.
What's the best everyday water bottle?
Filtration is the only way to clean water whose quality has been compromised.
Filter carafes have been around for years, but marketing has meant that filters have had to be replaced too often and, above all, prematurely. For them, it's a juicy business...
The ÖKO filter gourd is much more durable, with effective filters for 400L, but also :
- neutralizes bad taste (and odor)
- sound application which warns of REAL filter wear
- instant filtering (no flow required)
- its 99.99% guaranteed protection against contaminants
This flask is perfect for all households that want to filter tap water.
How to use the ÖKO tap water bottle?
Use an ÖKO water bottle to filter tap water is very simple. All you need is :
- unscrew the cap from the bottle
- fill container with tap water
- screw the cap back on without overtightening
Then, depending on whether you want to drink directly from the bottle or pour part of its contents into another container (glass, carafe, bowl...), simply :
- open the cap
- spill the gourd
- put pressure on it
- and watch the water flow!
The ÖKO water filter bottle is your everyday companion, so you can be sure of drinking clean, healthy water.