Survival: ÖKO Filter Bottle, the practical accessory - ÖKO EUROPE

Survival: ÖKO Filter Bottle, the practical accessory

Why filter water in survival situations?

It's hard to imagine what you might face in a desperate situation. The human body is capable of many feats, but it cannot survive more than 3 days without water, and in some cases, drinking water is a real luxury.

A number of techniques have been developed to meet this challenge:

  • safe consumption of dehydrated food rations
  • avoid diseases transmitted by water that is unfit for consumption
  • ensure hydration to stay alive and in top shape

When survival is at stake, water is man's best ally.

What's the best filter flask for survivalism?

The priority in a survivalsituation is to stay healthy. Good hydration is therefore essential, and it can't be achieved without drinking water.

what the ÖKO water bottle provides: drinking water with no bad taste, better filtered than most tactical accessories, and in just a few seconds.

ÖKO water bottle features:

  • the purifier developed by NASA filters impurities down to 2 microns (compared with 30 microns for competitors)
  • the "pore size-nanotechnology" combination allows more water to be filtered faster thanks to pressure

The water bottle with filter ÖKO is indispensable in an emergency.

How to use the ÖKO water bottle for survival?

We don't want to be confronted with a scenario that would force us to doubt thewater available.

In extreme cases, however, you have to deal with it, otherwise the risks are :

  • fatigue
  • dehydration
  • muscle weakness
  • lower resistance to viruses
  • etc

To minimize risk, the ÖKO filter bottle is quick to fill and can be used by simply applying slight pressure to push water through its filter.

It can be filled with water from :

  • faucets
  • fountains
  • rivers
  • lakes
  • puddles

ÖKO water filter bottles are perfect for those who don't want to worry about drinking water supplies.

It's the only accessory you'll need to filter water for survival