Laboratory tests

The truth about laboratory tests

They are numerous and come from several sources

Manufacturers, independents and other brands using the same filter 
(Disruptor from Ahlstrom, one of the world leaders in this field)

Certains tests sont anciens et c'est un gage de longévité.
Étant donné que la technologie et la fabrication n'ont pas changé depuis 2013, 
date du transfert de technologie dans le grand public
ÖKO équipe ses gourdes d'une technologie issue de la NASA (début des travaux 2002 pour l'ISS) 
qui permet de filtrer efficacement un large spectre de contaminants, 
présents potentiellement dans l'eau du robinet et en bouteilles

DISCLAIMER : un laboratoire va tester un seul type d'eau et une variété définie de contaminants. 
Sur terre, il existe des trilliards de compositions d'eau possibles et des milliers de molécules indésirables.
Aucune marque ne peut tester des trilliards de possibilités et des milliers de molécules. 
C'est financièrement et techniquement impossible. 

Chez ÖKO EUROPE, nous sommes transparents et nous vous expliquons la réalité de ces tests de laboratoire.
They are there to attest to the efficiency of the filtration technology.

Le laboratoire s'engage sur l'eau et les contaminants testés par leurs soins.
Aucun fabricant ne peut décemment s'engager sur toutes les molécules qui n'ont pas été testées

Le fabricant va donc choisir des familles et donc, supposer que l'ensemble de ces familles soit filtré 
mais sans garantie réelle.

Soyez prudent(e) quand vous voyez des marques qui affirment que leur produit filtre 99% des bactéries par exemple.
Non, elle filtre 99% des bactéries testées dans leurs laboratoires.

Chez ÖKO EUROPE, nous avons choisi de vous dire les choses honnêtement 
afin que vous puissiez comprendre avant d'agir

En réalité et cela vaut pour tous les appareils de filtration dans le monde :

It ALWAYS depends on the composition of the water passing through the membrane filter.
So always be careful when choosing the water you filter. 
(ne cherchez pas les eaux douteuses si vous avez le choix et 
privilégiez l'eau du robinet ou la plus claire et courante possible)

(Une gourde est mobile et chaque personne peut potentiellement filtrer n'importe quoi)

How can you trust ÖKO if you don't?

Notre filtre est utilisé par des dizaines de milliers de personnes en France et dans le monde. 

Que des retours du terrain positifs !

ÖKO EUROPE was re-tested in 2023 by EUROFINS, an independent French and European laboratory.

Conformes aux tests initiaux

Filtration technology was created in 2002: it's a long time coming.

In reality, the only valid tests are our users' feedback from the field (in real-life conditions).

The ones made every day by our tens of thousands of users, since 2018.

Global filtration


Electroadsorption and very fine-grain activated carbon.


Up to 10x higher than equivalent filtration systems (2 L / min)


Polypropylene (PP5) - BPA-, phthalate- and harmless agent-free.




Waterborne pathogens (99.99% of viruses, 99.9999% of bacteria, 99.9% of protozoan cysts), including rotavirus, hepatitis A, norovirus, giardiasis, cryptosporidium, E. coli, cholera, salmonella, dysentery and more.


Particulates (i.e. silt, microplastics, etc.); Activated carbon effectively adsorbs chemicals, pesticides, heavy metals, aromas and odors.

Filter life

Up to 400 L (with clear, low-sediment water). The more sediment in the water, the shorter the filter life. 


147 g (650 mL bottle) / 172 g (1 L bottle)


H 23.3 cm (650 mL) / H 26.5 cm (1 L) 

Included in the water bottle

Carabiner, nozzle cap and ÖKO filter

Öko waterfall bottle

Tests carried out by the manufacturer & independent third parties




Viruses are the smallest forms of micro-organisms capable of causing disease, particularly those of faecal origin that are infectious to humans through waterborne transmission.

Some examples: Poliovirus, Norovirus, Rotavirus

Focus on Norovirus

The Norovirus genus is a class of infectious agent that is the most common cause of gastroenteritis in humans. 

Focus on Bacteriophage MS2

Bacteriophages use bacteria as hosts for replication. Bacteriophage MS2 is a small virus that particularly infects E. coli. It has an RNA genome. Because of its small size and simplicity, it is often used in scientific research and to evaluate disinfection methods in the water industry.


Test conducted by

Ahlstrom Munksjö

Test conditions

Water contaminated with :

- Virus (Bacteriophage MS2) influent concentration of 105 or 106 per ml (influent = untreated raw water)

COA - Certificate of Analysis

Virus test results
Lower section test results

Test conducted by

Biological Consulting Services

Sample used

Flat sheet with a surface area of 63.6 cm².

Test conditions

The water was contaminated with :

- Virus (Bacteriophage MS2): influent concentration 105 (influent = untreated raw water)

Bacteria retention

Virus retention




Bacteria are generally single-celled micro-organisms that can cause health problems in humans, animals or plants.

Focus on Raoultella terrigena

Raoultella terrigena is a gram-negative bacterium belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family. It is generally associated with soil and water environments, but has also been identified in the digestive systems of various animals.

The presence of R. terrigena in water can be the result of contamination by sewage or animal waste.

gram negative legionella pneumophila bacterium

Test conducted by

Ahlstrom Munksjö

Test conditions

Water contaminated with :

- Bacteria (Raoultella Terrigena) influent concentration 105 or 106 per ml (influent = untreated raw water)

COA - Certificate of Analysis

Bacteria test results
Lower section test results

Test conducted by

Biological Consulting Services

Sample used

Flat sheet with a surface area of 63.6 cm².

Test conditions

The water was contaminated with :

- Bacteria (Raoultella Terrigena) influent concentration 105 (influent = untreated raw water)

Bacteria retention

Bacteria retention

Cysts & parasites


Focus on Cryptosporidium

The cryptosporidium parasite causes symptoms akin to severe gastroenteritis. It can cause death (rarely in humans, but frequently in calves. It is the leading cause of death in calves under one month of age).

Focus on Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia)

Often referred to as "beaver fever", giardiasis is a disease of the digestive system.

Signs of this disease include diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, stomach upset, feelings of fatigue and weight loss.

What is a 3-micron pearl substitute?

This is a small spherical particle, about 3 micrometers in diameter, which is used to simulate certain micro-organisms or particles in water of the same size.

Giardia-infested intestine protozoa

Test conducted by

Ahlstrom Munksjö

Test conditions

Water contaminated with :

- Cyst (3-micron pearl substitute) influent concentration 105 or 106 per ml (influent = untreated raw water)

COA - Certificate of Analysis

Cyst test results
Lower section test results

E. coli


Focus on E. Coli

Escherichia coli is a bacterium found in the intestines of humans and many animals. Most strains are harmless and form part of the normal intestinal flora. However, some strains can cause illness in humans, ranging from simple intestinal disorders (diarrhea, abdominal cramps) to more serious infections such as urinary tract infections, meningitis, hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) or life-threatening kidney disease.

escherichia coli

Test conducted by

Ahlstrom Munksjö


40 litres/m²/min

Test conditions

- Water: Ringer

- Bacteria - E. Coli

- Internal protocol used: TM 140

- Temperature 22˚C ± 1˚C

- PH 7.75 ± 0.25

- Soaking: a few seconds with DI water (deionized water)

- Analysis: ATP metry (molecular biology technique based on the principle of bioluminescence, which measures the quantity of ATP in a sample).

Retention of E. Coli

Retention of e coli



What are endotoxins?

Endotoxins or Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are large molecules found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria that can cause severe immune reactions in people, such as :

* Temperature rise

* Increased breathing

* Lower blood pressure

* Endotoxin shock (which can be fatal)

Endotoxin molecules

Test conducted by

Ahlstrom Munksjö

Endotoxin retention - Case study

Endotoxin retention


By the end of the study, each disc had been subjected to 3.85 x 106 EU. The Disruptor range removed a higher percentage of endotoxins than Millipore's MF filters.

Despite the smaller pore size of the MF filters, the Disruptor removed more endotoxins. This shows that loading is more effective at retaining endotoxins than pore size.

Test conducted by

Northview Laboratories

Endotoxin retention - Third-party test

Endotoxin retention - Third-party test



Focus on chlorine

Chlorine and chloramine are the main disinfectants used in public water systems.

It is widely criticized for its real health hazards and for altering the taste of water (bleach taste).

NSF requirements

* NSF 42 requires a 50% reduction in chlorine.

* Disruptor™ PAC is above 50% retention up to 28,000 L/m

escherichia coli

Test conducted by

Ahlstrom Munksjö

Sample used

Flat sheet with a surface area of 3.9 cm².


15.9 ml/min

Test conditions

Tap water from Pont Eveque-PEV :

- Temperature 20 ˚C

- TDS* 310 mg/L

- pH 7.4

- Initial chlorine concentration of 2 ppm*.

- Concentration range 0 to 2 ppm

Chlorine retention

Chlorine retention



Health effects of lead

The widespread use of lead has resulted in widespread environmental contamination. At high levels of exposure (or long-term exposure), it attacks the brain and central nervous system, leading to a range of diseases and disorders.


Test conducted by

Aquadiagnostics (recognized by the Water Quality Association, USA)

Sample used

Flat sheet with a surface area of 17.3 cm².

Pressure / flow

Pressure maintained at 0.65 bar and measurement of flow variation

Lead retention - Dissolved

Lead retention at pH 6.5

Lead retention - Particles

Lead retention at pH 8.5



NSF 401 certification

NSF 401 certification for filters covers "accidental contaminants and emerging compounds".

This means that the NSF Safety and Public Health Organization has verified that the Disruptor™ filter meets their high standards for the reduction of emerging compounds and incidental contaminants (such as pesticides, herbicides, drugs and detergents) through a variety of tests carried out by NSF experts.


Test conducted by

NSF International Laboratories

Standard applied

NSF 401

Test conditions

Tests based on estimated service life of 1000 litres/ft2 (ft2 = square feet) corresponding to 100% in tables

Prescription drugs

Phenytoin : an anti-epileptic drug

Atenolol : a beta-blocking drug

Carbamazepine : an anticonvulsant and mood stabilizer

Trimethoprim : an antibiotic drug

Estrone : a prescription contraceptive drug

Results for non-prescription drugs

Over-the-counter medicines

Ibuprofen : an over-the-counter analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug

Naproxen : an over-the-counter analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug

DEET (N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide) : a pesticide and common active ingredient in insect repellents

Metolachlor : an organic compound widely used as a herbicide

Linuron : a herbicide often used for grass and weed control.

Over-the-counter medicines

Chemical compounds

NSF 401

NSF 401 certification

NSF 401 certification for filters covers "accidental contaminants and emerging compounds".

This means that the NSF Safety and Public Health Organization has verified that the Disruptor™ filter meets their high standards for the reduction of emerging compounds and incidental contaminants (such as pesticides, herbicides, drugs and detergents) through a variety of tests carried out by NSF experts.

Chemical compounds

Test conducted by

NSF International Laboratories

Standard applied

NSF 401

Test conditions

Tests based on estimated service life of 1000 litres/ft2 (ft2 = square feet) corresponding to 100% in tables

Chemical compounds

TCEP : a chemical compound used as a flame retardant, plasticizer and viscosity regulator in various types of polymers, including polyurethanes, polyester resins and polyacrylates.

TCPP : a chemical compound used as a flame retardant.

BPA (Bisphenol A): a chemical compound used as a plasticizer. It is produced on an industrial scale by the condensation of phenol and acetone. Worldwide production is expected to reach 10 million tonnes by 2022.

Nonylphenol : a collection of compounds often used as precursors for commercial detergents.

Chemical compounds

Other products


Focus on micro-contaminants

Various micro-contaminants are now detected in many wastewaters and some drinking water sources.

Although the dangers posed by these contaminants to humans and the environment are not well understood, the reduction or elimination of these compounds is a concern for many organizations and health authorities.

Chemical products PCB

Test conducted by

NSF International Laboratories

Elimination of Penicilinne G

penicilin G elimination

Conclusion on Penicilinne G

Penicillin G was used as a representative antibiotic for the tests.

It was first studied using a 2 mg/l challenge solution. This graph shows that all the antibiotic was removed from 13 liters of water. At more typical concentrations in the 2 micrograms per liter range, 0.093 m² of Disruptor could theoretically treat over 900,000 liters of water if it were free of other contaminants.

Elimination of flumequine

elimination of flumequine

Conclusion on flumequine 

Flumequine is a chemotherapeutic antibiotic implicated in tendon rupture, DNA damage and anaphylactic shock. It has been withdrawn from the market, but is representative of the flumequine class of drugs. Data show complete elimination from 3 liters of water at a concentration of 10 mg/l. At more typical concentrations in the 2 micrograms per liter range, one square foot of Disruptor could theoretically treat over a million liters of water if free of other contaminants.

PCB disposal

PCB disposal

Conclusion on PCBs

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are man-made organic chemicals known for their toxic and carcinogenic effects. Independent tests have shown that Disruptor is effective in removing PCBs from water, as shown in the graph above.




Pesticides and herbicides are widely used in agriculture and gardening to increase productivity and prevent pest damage.

These chemicals can have harmful effects on the environment and human health. They can leach into surface water and groundwater through runoff or infiltration, contaminating drinking water sources.

Herbicide pesticides

Test conducted by

NSF International Laboratories

NSF/ANSI 244 results

- Herbicide 2,4 -D eliminated at more than 95% with an initial influent concentration of 70 μg +/-10% /L ;

- Atrazine herbicide eliminated over 95% with an initial influent concentration of 3 μg +/-10% /L ;

- 9 additional herbicides more than 95% eliminated according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;

- Pesticide Chlordane more than 95% eliminated with an initial influent concentration of 2 μg +/-10% /L;

- Pesticide Heptachlor eliminated at more than 95% with an initial influent concentration of 0.4 μg +/-10% /L ;

- Lindane pesticide eliminated at more than 95% with an initial influent concentration of 0.2 μg +/-10% /L ;

- 11 additional pesticides more than 95% eliminated, according to the US Environmental Protection Agency;


> 99%


By its very nature, plastic naturally breaks down into tiny plastic particles.

Read our article on the subject: here

Herbicide pesticides

Test conducted by

NSF International Laboratories

NSF/ANSI 244 results

Over 99% elimination at an initial concentration of 100 parts/L, each larger than 2 μg

Tests carried out by ÖKO EUROPE via EUROFINS (tap water)

Pesticides and metabolites

Test conducted by

EUROFINS | EURACETA (Laboratoire d'Analyses et de Contrôles Environnementaux, Toxicologiques & Agro-alimentaires)

Test conditions

Tap water from Limal - Samples taken by Euraceta


July 2023

Information on contaminants detected

Most of the contaminants below are derived from the chemical degradation of herbicides: Atrazine, dichlobenil, chlorothalonil, S-metolachlor and chloridazone, most of which are harmful or very harmful to health and are banned or in the process of being banned.

See our dedicated blog post here.

Results BEFORE and AFTER filtration

Contaminants in tap water before and after filtration

Heavy metals

Test conducted by

EUROFINS | EURACETA (Laboratoire d'Analyses et de Contrôles Environnementaux, Toxicologiques & Agro-alimentaires)

Test conditions

Tap water with voluntary addition of 20 µg/l of 12 metals (cf. Sb, Se, As, Cr,Cd,Pb, Ni, Mn, Fe,Cu, Ag & Zn)


July 2023

Results BEFORE and AFTER filtration

Analysis 2023 metal filtration


If your water is too rich in nitrates or chlorates and you want to prevent this, you can use an osmosis unit to filter out these contaminants.

In laboratory analysis, the thresholds found after filtration are infinitesimal and in line with the manufacturer's official filtration table (and with independent laboratories that have come up with the same results).


Test conducted by

EUROFINS | EURACETA (Laboratoire d'Analyses et de Contrôles Environnementaux, Toxicologiques & Agro-alimentaires)

Test conditions

Tap water with voluntary addition of 2 mg/l Fluoride


August 2023

Fluorine information

Fluoride is one of ten major chemicals posing a public health problem, alongside asbestos and arsenic. An EU directive has set the maximum permissible level of fluoride in water at 1.5 mg/l in Europe.

Some bottled waters are also not far from this threshold.

However, a 5-year-old child should not exceed the threshold of 1 mg/day, or risk developing dental fluorosis, as is the case for 2% of children in France.

See our dedicated blog post here.

Results BEFORE and AFTER filtration

Analysis 2023 fluorine filtration

Perfluorinated (PFAS)

Test conducted by

EUROFINS | EURACETA (Laboratoire d'Analyses et de Contrôles Environnementaux, Toxicologiques & Agro-alimentaires)

Test conditions

Tap water


December 2023

Information on perfluorinated compounds (PFAS)

Perfluorochemicals, also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), are a family of chemical compounds widely used for their unique properties, such as resistance to water, stains and grease. They are often found in a variety of everyday products, including non-stick coatings, textiles, food packaging and some fire-fighting equipment. However, their exceptional chemical stability, which gives them their usefulness, also makes these substances particularly persistent in the environment and in living organisms, leading to growing concerns about their potential impact on human health and ecology.

Results BEFORE and AFTER filtration

Analysis 2023 filtration of perfluorinated PFAs

A technology used and supported by NASA

Öko waterfall bottle
Öko waterfall bottle
Le filtre utilisé par la gourde ÖKO a été développé par la NASA pour filtrer les eaux usées de l’ISS.

Il utilise le procédé bien connu des professionnels : 
electro-aDsorption (attraction and retention).

In the field of water filtration, we can trust them: NASA is also behind the ultimate filtration technology (molecule by molecule): reverse osmosis.

How does electroadsorption filtration work?

A positive electrical charge is created when water passes through the filter, which attracts the negative charge present on most submicron contaminants.
Due to the structure of the media, this load causes additional overlapping of the fibers.
in the fiber's pore structure.
Ahlstrom Disruptor® adsorption technology

  • > 50 millivolts continuous zeta potential
  • Removes "small" submicronic materials not captured by conventional filters
  • Captures organic/microbial macromolecules
  • Eliminates viruses and bacteria
  • Average pore size of 1.25 microns
  • Cartridge pressure drop < 0.1 bar (consequent flow compared to filters with 0.1 micron pores)

The process is identical to that of a positively-charged magnet attracting a negatively-charged magnet.

Speed is instant

Return air technology

Our FilterSure™ feature, forces any reflux through a valve and back into the bottle for refiltration.
This process not only ensures that the filter is sealed and working properly,
and also prevents you from drinking contaminated water.

Not an ordinary plastic bottle


At first glance, the bodies of ultra-filtering water bottles look like other plastic bottles, but let's take a closer look:

They are made from a special polypropylene, similar to food storage containers. 

This is PP5(official classification)

An overview of the advantages of polypropylene :

  • It is highly flexible and compressible, allowing water to pass efficiently through the complex filtration system;
  • Resistant to chemicals;
  • It withstands high temperatures;
  • No odor;
  • It's durable.

Our gourd bodies have been tested by SGS, the world leader in testing, inspection and verification. 

They are FDA-compliant, BPA-free, phthalate-free and toxin-free.

Let's discover the whole gourd!

The complete ÖKO EUROPE water bottle filter

Nozzle Cap

Protects pipette from dust (more hygienic)


Retractable Soft-Bite Mouthpiece

2 notches = open, 0 notches = closed (pull to open, press to close)


Metal carabiner

So that you can attach your water bottle anywhere


Carabiner holder


Strap hook

(Strap not included)


Transparent Tritan® cap


Filter and assembly based on NASA® technology


Self-sealing bottle stopper


Thin-walled polypropylene bottle (PP5)

FDA food safety compliant - Non-toxic tested by SGS - Temperature resistant to prevent mould and odours


Ribbed contours

Quick return after squeezing. Available in 500 ml, 600 ml and 1 liter.

Comparison of different filtration technologies

Main contaminantsDisruptor® PACReverse osmosisNano filtrationUltra FiltrationMicrofiltrationParticle cartridgesCoal blockUltra-Violet
Dissolved saltsX
Polysaccharides (PET)XXXXX
Chemical reductionXXXX
Drug tracesXXXX
Certain heavy metals (lead, copper & iron)XX
VOCs (volatile organic compounds)XXX

In which countries is ÖKO EUROPE available?

Retrieve list of countries

Consult the official documents

Official documents (French)

Logo Eurofins - Euraceta


Analysis of filtration capacity for pesticides, metabolites and heavy metals
Logo Eurofins - Euraceta


Analysis of fluoride (fluorine) filtration capacity
Logo Eurofins - Euraceta


Analysis of perfluoride (pfas) filtration capacities

Official documents



Ahlstrom's presentation of the Disruptor


Presentation of several analysis results by the JoJo company


Test results for NSF certification


Article on the U.S. Army Public Health Center filter


Introducing US Water's electro-adsorption technology

Translated documents



Ahlstrom's presentation of the Disruptor


Presentation of several analysis results by JoJo (translated version)


NSF certification test results (translated version)


Article on the U.S. Army Public Health Center filter


US Water's electro-adsorption technology presentation