Ils utilisent ÖKO dans leur quotidien

OKO Partenaire OM 300x300

Olympique de Marseille

Marion Kaplan health tips water filtration


Jonathan Coni

Jennifer MARTIN Sparkling taste buds

Thibault Garcia

Thibault GARCIA

Jessica Thivenin Garcia


Famille GARCIA

La famille GARCIA

Jonathan Coni ambassador oko

Jonathan CONI




Khamzat Borz Abaev

Delphine Benouaich OKO EUROPE champion


Öko hiking water bottle

Clément MARCOU

Laetitia BOES

Laetitia BOES

Greg MMA OKO Ambassador

Nico @trekattitude

Yoann Leroux spokesperson oko europe water bottle filter




Matt PNA

Matt PNA

Willy Wild Koh lanta

Willy WILD Koh Lanta

Un Van sur la route

Un Van sur la route

ÖKO filter bottle (400 L filter included)

63,00 EUR63,00 EUR


Add a spare filter! 

Free shipping (from €75) 😊 

Additional 400-litre filter

+400 L per filter

30,00 EUR

Un kit de Survie L3 ?

Free shipping (from €75) 😊 

Swig filter straw for emergency and survival situations

Pour les situations à risque

39 EUR

100% satisfied or your money back

"At ÖKO EUROPE, our policy is 100% satisfied customers".

And because you have the right to change your mind, you have 14 days to inform us and receive a full refund, without having to justify yourself!

Customer service based in France

Do you have any questions about your order?
If you haven't found the answer to these questions in our F.A.Q., please contact:

  • Send us a message via our page A question?
  • Call us on +33 (0)6 68 13 91 61 (Monday to Saturday, 9am to 6pm)

We'll get back to you within 24 h.

Paiement 3x sans frais (min 100 €)

Alma Pay banner Payment in instalments

Alma Pay is configured on the store to allow you (if you wish) to pay for your purchases in 3 instalments, free of charge, up to a limit of €2,000. Alma Pay isFrance's leading multi-installment payment system, used by 17,000 retailers (Natures & Découvertes, Printemps, Maisons du Monde...).

Order by phone?

Our French customer service is available to answer your questions on +33 (0)3 80 63 51 73

Real, verified opinions

All our comments are verified and cannot come from unknown sources or be falsified.

ÖKO supports (M. DAMON)

ÖKO EUROPE is a partner of, Gary White and Matt Damon's association which has been helping to improve access to drinking water around the world for over 30 years. When you buy an ultra-filtering water bottle, you change the life of a family at the end of the world.

Ils utilisent ÖKO dans leur quotidien

OKO Partenaire OM 300x300

Olympique de Marseille

Marion Kaplan health tips water filtration


Jonathan CONI

Jennifer MARTIN

Greg MMA Water filter bottle OKO EUROPE


Thibault GARCIA

Thibault GARCIA

Jonathan CONI


La Famille GARCIA

La Famille GARCIA

The YOUNOUSOV brothers

Jonathan CONI

Delphine Benouaich OKO EUROPE champion


Öko hiking water bottle

Clément MARCOU

Öko hiking water bottle

Laetitia BOES

Khamzat Borz Abaev

Khamzat Borz Abaev

Matt PNA

Matt PNA

Wild WILD Koh Lanta

Wild WILD Koh Lanta

Greg MMA OKO Ambassador

Nico Trekattitude

Un Van sur la Route

Un Van sur la Route

De nos jours, l'eau du robinet est constamment mise en avant dans nos médias

Articles Press drinking water contamination
Filtration technology from the NASA technology transfer program

PFAs (polluants éternels), Pesticides, Chlorothalonil, Herbicides & Métabolites

Filtration technology from the NASA technology transfer program

Chlorine, Fluorine, Bromine

Filtration technology from the NASA technology transfer program


Filtration technology from the NASA technology transfer program

Heavy metals (lead, iron, cadmium, aluminum, etc.)

Filtration technology from the NASA technology transfer program

Bacteria, Viruses, Protozoa, E. coli ...

  • La gourde ÖKO filtre efficacement tous ces contaminants* et vous permet de boire une eau du robinet meilleure pour votre santé.
  • Les contaminants testés dans les rapports d'analyses de laboratoires
Öko hiking water bottle

Today, in Western Europe, pesticide residues, traces of explosives and 1,4-dioxane (a potentially carcinogenic solvent) are present in tap water in increasingly alarming doses. Not to mention heavy metals, chlorine, hormones, drugs, etc. etc.

According to the latest samples taken by ANSES at 300 sites in France(see our dedicated page)

(28 pesticides discovered in the tap water of a village in Haute-Saône).

Utiliser une gourde filtrante ÖKO permet d'améliorer l'eau que vous buvez.

Où que vous soyez.

Children's picture with ÖKO water bottle

Goodbye PET water bottles, long live tap water!

Vous pouvez (re)boire l'eau du robinet qui reste très peu chère (5 € le mètre cube soit 0.005 € / L). Celle-ci redevient meilleure, ôtée de beaucoup de ses contaminants et microplastiques !

And no more polluting plastics in our rivers and oceans!

Öko river water filter bottle

Non-drinkable springs become drinkable!

The ÖKO water bottle is equipped with a patented filter originally developed by NASA to convert undrinkable water into perfectly drinkable water. 

It can be used anywhere, and is ideal for all your travels (sport, travel, hiking, work, etc.), as well as at home, on tap!

With ÖKO, plastic becomes a huge advantage!

For you and our planet!

Indeed, to be able to PRESS & FILTER everywhere with your hands, you need a soft material!
That's a huge advantage for you, in fact!

Le plastique ÖKO (PP5) est alimentaire, sans BPA, sans microplastiques et sans phtalates !

It has a lifespan of at least 10 years!

This is the real saving and ecology compared to PET plastic bottles.
(ours is entirely recyclable)!

According to the World Health Organization(WHO),

There are over 3,500 pollutants in the water of rivers, lakes, stagnant puddles and running water in most countries around the world.

These substances are the cause of many diseases, including diarrhea(TURISTA), cholera, typhoid, polio and hepatitis A and E.

Groundwater (and therefore the water in our taps) is increasingly contaminated with thousands of undesirable chemical molecules that our filtration plants are incapable of filtering out!

(pesticides, chlorine, heavy metals, drug residues, etc etc)

ÖKO filtering bottle

Öko bottle in brief
Filtration technology from the NASA technology transfer program

 NASA technology

This technology is called electro-adsorption. On contact with water, a positive charge field surrounds the hollow volume of the pores (through which water is forced to pass). Capable of attracting and trapping submicronic contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, micro-organisms, pesticides, heavy metals, drug residues etc. etc., it works like a magnet. It works like a magnet.
See more ↓

Öko high-flow water bottle

Market-leading throughput

Conventional filters use a 0.1 micron pore size, which means you have to vacuum (or use an impractical piston system) to get the right flow rate. ÖKO eliminates this problem thanks to a pore size calibrated between 1.2 and 1.4 microns. This means you can press down and get filtration as powerful as conventional filters, with a consequent flow rate!

See more ↓

Öko 400 liter filter

Only 1 filter to change

Every 400 L. No expiration date and no obligation to change every X months or years. As long as the 400 L is not filtered, the filter is effective!

The ÖKO Counter mobile application allows you to "count" and know how far along your filtration is so you can change at the right time!

Designed for everyday use & adventure!

Öko hiking water bottle

Matériaux alimentaires

Fabriqué en PP5 recyclable, le corps mou permet à votre main de propulser l'eau à travers le filtre ! Conçu et testé par SGS, il est sans BPA ni phtalates, ni micro-platisques et dure 10 ans !

Cyclist with Öko water bottle

A rigid body that won't break through

Robust yet flexible. It guarantees easy squeezing on a daily basis, while maintaining high resistance to shocks and sharp objects. So your water bottle won't accidentally break open.

Hikers with Öko water bottle

Anti-leak system
& Retractable Soft-Bite Mouthpiece

Peace of mind. The water bottle stopper, pipette and screw connection are leak-proof and risk-free. Your bag stays dry. The pipette guarantees impeccable hygiene.

NASA filtration technology made available to the general public (2013)

The filter used in the ÖKO flask is a NASA technology transfer product (SPINOFF).

It works by electro-aDsorption & activated carbon.

Removes submicron negative particles 

(and much more)

Since 2013, it has been marketed in the United States, and since 2018, ÖKO EUROPE has made it available to Europeans.

Ultra-filtering system is a NASA SPINOFF

Instant filtration & flow 10 times thanks to pressure 

(no need to vacuum)

Bottle filter with pressure system

Did you know that most water filter bottles on the market work by suction?

Here are the 2 competing systems:

By suction

Aspirating through the mouth is tiring on a daily basis. You have to suck hard to drink. For hygienic reasons, it's difficult for several people to share a gourd.

By pressure

It's the most natural thing to do, and that's what the ÖKO water bottle does. Convenient for sharing and for doing it absolutely anywhere.

  • Unfortunately, the similar filtration efficiency of all other filter bottles on the market is due to the size of their pores, generally calibrated at 0.1 microns, but impractical and unhygienic for use with low water flow rates, whether suction or pressure.

  • With pores calibrated to 1.2 microns and nano-filtration technology taking over below the micron level, this patented filter provides the solution, delivering 10 times greater water flow while maintaining powerful filtration performance! Daily use is simplified and hygiene is impeccable.

ÖKO filtration

3 steps to understand 🔍

Öko filter under the microscope



The filter is composed of natural mineral fibers incorporated with activated carbon (AIO pseudoboehmite), which emits an electro-magnetic field specific to electro-adsorption.

It surrounds the hollow volume of pores calibrated at 1.2 microns, so that it can attract, like a magnet, submicronic contaminants smaller than the size of its pores.

1.4 micron mechanical filtration


Mechanical filtration

During this stage, all particles greater than or equal to 1.2 microns are mechanically retained.

This level of filtration, coupled with activated carbon, retains plastic micro-particles, BPA, chlorine, bromine etc. etc., among other things. It removes bad taste and odors.

Submicron nanofiltration



Positively charged (attraction and retention), the fibre attracts and traps harmful agents smaller than a micron (1/1000 millimetre) such as viruses, bacteria, micro-organisms, pesticides, heavy metals, drugs, etc etc.

Contamination, disease and stomach upsets are avoided.

Discover ÖKO's filter removal capabilities: PFAs, Viruses, Bacteria, Pesticides, Chlorine...

ÖKO filter removal capacity

Although all the tests have already been carried out, 

ÖKO EUROPE has financed its own analyses via the independent laboratory EUROFINS.

Concerning the main contaminants present in tap water (in our countries) by 2023: pesticides and metabolites, heavy metals and fluoride. 

Before and after filtration

Result: identical to tests already carried out (filter effective)

Find all the tests and the complete story of this powerful filter on our page

technology and laboratory analysis by clicking on the image below:

Results of laboratory tests on filtration capacity

Press coverage of ÖKO filters

OKO EUROPE media TV press

Discover all the media appearances of Jan Vansinte and ÖKO EUROPE (M6, BFM, Challenges, France Bleu, podcast & press appearances) to present the ÖKO water bottle and the French company ÖKO EUROPE.

Discover the complete ÖKO water bottle

The complete ÖKO EUROPE water bottle filter

Nozzle Cap

Protects pipette from dust (more hygienic)


Retractable Soft-Bite Mouthpiece

2 notches = open, 0 notches = closed (pull to open, press to close)


Metal carabiner

So that you can attach your water bottle anywhere


Carabiner holder


Strap hook

(Strap not included)


Transparent Tritan® cap


Filter and assembly based on NASA® technology


Self-sealing bottle stopper


Thin-walled polypropylene bottle (PP5)

FDA food safety compliant - Non-toxic tested by SGS - Temperature resistant to prevent mould and odours


Ribbed contours

Quick return after squeezing. Available in 650 ml and 1 liter.

Muddy water becomes perfectly clear and drinkable again

By way of example only!

Do not reproduce 

(pores will clog more quickly)

EXCEPT if you have no choice

(VISUAL instant filtration)

When you receive it, do the faucet test, and you'll understand immediately. 

(and then your loved ones)!

  1. Fill the flask with tap water (filled with chlorine and other water with its own smell, taste and texture).
  2. Squeeze water into a glass, drink and taste it
  3. Open cap, drink unfiltered water directly
  4. Immediately discover the dramatic difference between filtered and unfiltered water.

It's your palate, your sense of smell and your mouth that will confirm that yes, the water you drink filtered by ÖKO is a cloud, pleasant and much lighter than the heavy, malodorous unfiltered water from the tap!

Technical data


ÖKO's ultra-filtering bottle combines a unique alumina nanofiber technology, derived from the mineral pseudoboehmite, with mechanical filtration with medium-sized 1.25 micron pores.


Up to 10x higher than equivalent filtration systems (2 L / min)


Polypropylene (PP5) - BPA-, phthalate- and harmless agent-free.


Maintenance-free. Canteen and cap (without filter) are easily washed at room temperature with soap and/or water.
NEVER clean the filter (if muddy: rinse the outside of the filter with water).

Bottle capacity

Available in 500 mL, 650 mL and 1 L versions

Filter life

Up to 400 L (with clear, low-sediment water). The more sediment in the water, the shorter the filter life. 


135 g (500 mL bottle) / 147 g (650 mL bottle) / 172 g (1 L bottle)


H 20.4 cm (500 mL) / H 23.3 cm (650 mL) / H 26.5 cm (1 L) 


Ø 71 mm (500 mL) / Ø 71 mm (650 mL) / Ø 85 mm (1 L) 

Included in the water bottle

Carabiner, nozzle cap and ÖKO filter


Why does ÖKO use PLASTIC? I don't like it at first sight!

Pour VOTRE plus grand bien

=> It has a lifespan of MINIMUM 10 years

=> Le plastique utilisé par ÖKO est de qualité alimentaire (PP5 pour le terme officiel scientifique)

Il ne contient pas de microplastiques, pas de BPA, pas de phtalates ni d'autres substances néfastes, contrairement aux bouteilles d'eau en plastiques PP1 (PET). Il est entièrement recyclable. 

Thanks to this soft, lightweight material, your hands (or those of your children) can PRESS and PROPUTE the water through the filter.

=> For instantly healthy, purified water. Absolutely EVERYWHERE.

Unfortunately, soft glass and soft stainless steel do not yet exist. 

Glass can break and stainless steel is much heavier.

That's where the real economy lies, because all you have to change is the filter! WITHOUT POLLUTING!

What contaminants are filtered by ÖKO's L2 filter (housed in our water bottles)?

It filters efficiently :

All lab tests can be found on our website in the submenu Laboratory & Field Tests Why choose ÖKO?:

  • Viruses, which are micro-organisms responsible for various infectious diseases transmitted by water: norovirus, polio, hepatitis a and e, ... ;
  • Bacteria such asEscherichia coli (E.Coli), which can cause disorders ranging from simple intestinal problems to potentially fatal kidney disease, or Salmonella typhi, which can lead to infections such as typhoid , or Vibrio cholerae bacilli, which spread cholera ;
  • Parasites such as the cryptosporidium parasite, which causes symptoms similar to severe gastroenteritis and can be fatal;
  • Microplastics, which are present in tap and bottled water (they measure between 2 and 10 microns and are invisible to the naked eye).
  • PFASs, known as eternal pollutants (perfluorinated) because they remain in our bodies. The media covered them extensively in 2024.
  • Endotoxins that can cause severe immune reactions;
  • Chlorine, criticized for its health hazards (it's a bacteria killer, but our microbiota is made up largely of bacteria, so this substance inevitably does damage) and for altering the taste of water;
  • Lead and certain heavy metals, in high doses and consumed on a regular basis, can affect the brain and nervous system;
  • Pesticides, herbicides and metabolites that end up in significant quantities in our tap and bottled water ;
  • Drug residues with variable effects (France is one of the world's biggest consumers of drugs);
  • Fluoride, one of the harmful effects of which, dental fluorosis, affects 2% of children in France.

Turista, also known as traveler's diarrhea, is an acute gastroenteritis resulting from an infection caused by bacteria (such as coli bacteria, campylobacter, salmonella, shigella...), parasites (such as cryptosporidium, lamblias, amoebae...) or viruses (such as rotavirus).

The ÖKO water bottle filters out bacteria, parasites and viruses to over 99.98%. You'll also be protected against Turista.

Does the ÖKO filter filter mineral salts and trace elements (limestone, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.)?

No, the filter does not filter mineral salts or trace elements (dissolved salts). 
If you own a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter, which measures the quantity of minerals (conductors) present in water, you should find the same measurement before and after filtration with ÖKO. This device costs from €5 to €30 online.

How many liters can I make with an ÖKO filter?

It all depends on the water being filtered, just like every other filter on the market. 

If you filter mud, the pores will logically and mechanically clog up faster. 

 400 L: For the majority of our users who filter at home and on the move (office, school, sports, airport, service station, friends' homes, etc.). 
 - The water in our taps, where most of the contaminants harmful to our bodies are concentrated (chlorine, pesticides and metabolites, PFAS, heavy metals, drug residues, fluoride and sometimes E.Coli bacteria when filtration plants go haywire following violent storms or malfunctions). 
 - The kind that springs from griffins in the wild. 

DISCLAIMER: water that's clear to the naked eye doesn't mean it's not contaminated, because contaminants that are harmful to our health are INVISIBLE to the naked eye. So pores, also invisible to the naked eye, may become clogged more quickly. 

 200 L to 400 L: For hikers, trekkers and travelers who go hiking and trekking. 
 - Water from rivers, lakes and streams. 
It all depends on the water you'll be filtering. 
If it's charged (and this can be invisible to the naked eye), cloudy and/or muddy, the pores will clog up faster. 
It's mechanical, and you'll feel it when you apply harder pressure. 
The filter's strength lies in its ability to filter out viruses, bacteria and protozoa, also invisible to the naked eye, which can make us ill. 

 10 L to 200 L: For hikers, trekkers and travelers who go hiking and trekking.
 - Stagnant water (puddles, mud, etc.). 
If you have a choice: Filter the clearest, most running water possible. 
If you don't have a choice: filter puddles and muddy water. At least you won't get sick, but the filter's lifespan will diminish irreparably. 

MORAL: there are billions of types of "filterable" water, and it all depends on the composition of the water you'll be filtering. Be responsible, because only you can decently know the water you're filtering.

Application to manage the filtration of your ÖKO water bottles

Take a look at the video of ÖKO EUROPE's mobile application: ÖKO Counter, available free of charge on Android and iPhone.

It's a "simple" counter that lets you create your bottles (the number of fills varies according to the container) and increment the number of fills according to the type of water you're filtering. It's a reminder.

If you know your daily consumption, you can also set a reminder in your diary.

In any case, when the filter comes to the end of its life, you'll feel it with the harder pressure and the return of a different taste (chlorine may return slightly). Then it's time for a change.

Does the filter have an expiration date?

No, the membrane is embedded with antibacterial ions around the pores, which prevent proliferation and decayAs long as you haven't made up the correct number of liters for each type of filtered water, you can use it. 

If you're not going to be using it for several weeks or months: keep the filter dry and away from light. 

As soon as you use it again: Iron 1L to reactivate the charge fields and remove any dust from storage.

Can I drink seawater with an ÖKO filter?

NoÖKO filters are designed to filter freshwater ONLY. 
Seawater contains too many mineral salts and irreparably damages filtration quality. 

If you have a softener with salt addition, we strongly advise against using ÖKO, as the amount of salt will irreparably damage filtration quality. 

If you have a mechanical softener without adding salt, no problem, you can filter with ÖKO.

When I travel abroad, what does ÖKO recommend?

CARRY at least 1 spare filter, if not 2. 

Why should you? Because you don't know in advance the quality of the water you'll be filtering. 

Especially in countries where water treatment is questionable. Your filter may clog more quickly. 

This is a recommendation, not an obligation. 

We know that the cost of a filter is derisory compared to the price of the overall trip. 

If you plan to hike or trek in foreign countries, a SWIG survival straw is also recommended. 

Available in the Filters & Accessories menu.

Can the ÖKO water bottle be stored in the fridge?

Yes, that's no problem at all.

The recommended temperature range is 5 to 60 degrees Celsius. The filter flask should not be placed in the freezer. If the temperature drops below 0 degrees, the water in the filter could freeze, expand and potentially damage the pores of the filter membrane, reducing its efficiency.

Can I fly with the ÖKO flask?

Yespassing it VACUUM control. 
Then you fill it up at the airport toilet sink. You'll save a lot of money by avoiding expensive PET1 plastic water bottles, full of microplastics (and other contaminants). Not to mention plastic pollution.

Can I filter fruit juice, cola, coffee, vitamin supplements and tea with the ÖKO filter?

No, only GENTLE water . The water passing through the filter MUST be soft water.

There are videos on the Net of us filtering Coke, Fanta and even urine!


Filtration is instantaneous, as the water passes through the filter. 

Let's put some water in and say : trust us, ÖKO is a powerful filter!

You'd be hard-pressed to take our word for it, and so you should.

These are just examples, so that you can see for yourself that ÖKO filters instantly, because it's VISUAL.


Do not reproduce, or your filter will be irreparably damaged.

Is the water bottle compatible with a bicycle bottle holder?

Yes, but only for the 650 mL model. 

It's best to use a Z-shaped holder to prevent the bottle from rattling, as it's thinner in the center for a better grip. 

If required, our customer service department can send you a photo of an ideal model. 

Alternatively, you can attach the water bottle to your handlebars with a bracket, easily found in sports stores or online.

What do you think of our filtering gourd?

Customer Reviews

Based on 7608 reviews
Benjamin Brest
Très bonne qualité

Très belle gourde de super qualité
Pratique et fonctionnelle
Très content
Vivement les beaux jours pour tester avec l. Eau des rivières

Fabienne Mattio
Gourde de 1 litre

J’ai commandé la gourde de 1litre je suis un peu déçu car la gourde est trop dure quand on appuie pas assez souple et j’ai beaucoup de mal à m’en servir car j’ai de l’arthrose au main mais pour le filtre c’est très bien

Frédéric Rebeller
Les gourdes de la vie

Si vous ne voulez pas devenir un pesticide , buvez OKO


Le produit est agréable a tenir en main.
L'embout de succion est un peu trop rigide selon moi et le cache de protection est gênant lorsque l'on boit.

Ambre Ledermann
Mon voyage avec ma gourde en avion

Toute la famille est partie passée nouvel an avec sa gourde au Brésil et tranquille sans avoir peur des maux de ventre 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Sale Off
Replacement filter ÖKO 400 L (Universal) - ÖKO EUROPE

ÖKO 400 L replacement filter (Universal)

30.00 EUREUR 30.00

Sale Off
Filtre L3 OKO

Filtre L3 ÖKO

39,00 EUR