Official partner, 13th Man and official OM hydrator!

ÖKO Blue OM 1-liter filter flask (filter included)

63.00 EUREUR 63.00

RedBlueGreenOrangeSky blueRose

Add a spare filter?

Free shipping (from €75) 😊 

Additional 400-litre filter

+378 L par filtre

30,00 EUR

100% satisfied or your money back

"At ÖKO EUROPE, our policy is 100% satisfied customers".

And because you have the right to change your mind, you have 14 days to inform us and receive a full refund, without having to justify yourself!

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ÖKO supports

ÖKO EUROPE is a partner of, Gary White and Matt Damon's association which has been helping to improve access to drinking water around the world for over 30 years. When you buy an ultra-filtering water bottle, you change the life of a family at the end of the world.

Official partner, 13th Man and official OM hydrator!

What does ÖKO mean in concrete terms?

An ultra-filtering water bottle for young and old alike
NASA Spinoff filtration



La NASA a créé cette technologie en 2002 pour filtrer les eaux de l’ISS.

This filter is capable of eliminating molecules potentially present in tap and rural water, such as microplastics, bacteria, viruses, PFAS, heavy metals, chlorine, pesticides, fluoride and drug residues etc. etc.

Tap water filtration system


Tap water becomes ultra-safe again

From "potable" to ultra-sanitary: no more unpleasant odors, no more chemical tastes, and a softer, lighter texture. Thanks to ÖKO, tap water is once again pleasant to drink and enjoy every day.
Non-drinking water filter flask virus


L’eau non-potable redevient potable*

En randonnée, en trek, en voyage, en train, à l’étranger où l’eau est impropre à la consommation, avec ÖKO, vous pouvez boire sans craintes, car le filtre élimine les agents pathogènes les plus communément présents dans les sources d’eau douce du monde entier*, responsables des désagréments gastriques, peu agréables.

(*) Liste officielle des 120 pays concernés sur notre page dédiée.
Sélectionnez et jugez toujours avec soin l’eau que vous consommez : chaque source d’eau possède sa propre composition et peut exiger des traitements complémentaires.

Only one filter to change


Only 1 filter to change

BPA-, phthalate- and microplastic-free, the bottle body and cap can be used for many years. One filter = 379 L of filtered water, with no expiration date and no obligation to change every month (like filter jugs).

3 steps to filtration🔍

Öko filter under the microscope


Filter composition

The filter membrane consists of a natural mineral fiber(AIOHH pseudoboehmite), antibacterial ions and a microscopic sprinkling of activated carbon

It is 8 mm thick and has over 400 pores.

1.4 micron mechanical filtration


Mechanical filtration

Its pores are calibrated to 1.25 microns, mechanically blocking all particles equal to or larger than this size, such as sediments and impurities.

Submicron nanofiltration


Submicron filtration

On contact with water, the natural mineral fiber emits a positive charge field that surrounds the hollow volume of the pores. The water is thus freed of submicronic contaminants, attracted like a magnet to the membrane's retention surface. This is electro-adsorption

Laboratory tests

Here is the range of contaminants filtered by ÖKO:
Virus elimination



99.98% filtration
Those tested
Bacteria filtration



99.9999% filtration
Those tested
Elimination of parasites


Cysts, parasites

99.9993% filtration
Those tested
öte e. coli water


E. Coli

99.94% filtration
endotoxin filtration



83% filtration
Those tested
chlorine removal



95% filtration
filter chemical compounds and drugs


Drug residues

And chemical compounds (BPA...)
95% filtration
Those tested
fluorine removal water



The EU has set a threshold of 1.5 mg/L, but children should not exceed 1 mg/d ⚠️
No more visible traces
PFAS elimination



Eternal pollutants that remain in our bodies for life
No more visible traces
Those tested
heavy metal filtration lead copper


Heavy metals

Lead, Cadmium, Iron, Manganese, Copper, Nickel
Between 95% and 99
Those tested
plastic filtration



Microplastics are present in tap and bottled water
No more visible traces
Herbicide pesticide filtration


Pesticides & herbicides

Groundwater contaminated by agricultural use
No more visible traces
Those tested
DISCLAIMER: Laboratory tests attest to the effectiveness of ÖKO filtration technology, developed by NASA (2002), against a broad spectrum of contaminants found in tap and bottled water.

However, water can have an infinite number of different compositions. No filter in the world can be tested on all these variants.

At ÖKO EUROPE, we believe in transparency. Although our filter is efficient, its effectiveness will always depend on the quality of the filtered water.

Tip : use your water bottle with reasonably safe water sources whenever possible.

For our children and our planet

Children's picture with ÖKO water bottle

The next generation

Let's teach them the right thing to do, from an early age.

Thanks to ÖKO!

Service life of ÖKO filter bottles

For our planet

Less plastic pollution. For future generations.

Thanks to ÖKO!

ÖKO EUROPE & Olympique de Marseille

Same values, same vision

Technical data


ÖKO's ultra-filtering flask combines unique alumina nanofiber technology, derived from the mineral pseudoboehmite, with mechanical filtration with medium-sized pores of 1.25 microns.


Up to 10x higher than equivalent filtration systems (2 L / min)


Polypropylene (PP5) - BPA-, phthalate- and harmless agent-free.


The gourd, pipette and cap (without filter) can be easily washed at room temperature with soap and/or water.
NEVER clean the filter (if muddy: rinse the outside of the filter with water).

Bottle capacity

Available in 650 mL and 1 L versions

Filter life

Up to 379 L (with clear, low-sediment water). The more sediment in the water, the shorter the filter life. 


147 g (650 mL bottle) / 172 g (1 L bottle)


H 23.3 cm (650 mL) / H 26.5 cm (1 L) 


Ø 71 mm (650 mL) / Ø 85 mm (1 L) 

Included in the water bottle

Carabiner, nozzle cap and ÖKO filter

What do you think of our filtering gourd?

Customer Reviews

Based on 8010 reviews
Ok gourde filtrante

Très contente de mon achat,
Envoie assez rapide,
Une gourde qui va me suivre partout très pratique, pour ne jamais manquer d'eau. Un produit auquel je fais totalement confiance

Tout simplement Génial

La gourde Oko 1L change mon quotidien. Je l'utilise autant chez moi que pour mes randonnées et bivouacs. Terminé les doutes sur la qualité de l'eau !

Vraiment top

Achetée il y a un mois , ma gourde de 1litre me suit vraiment partout. Je bois plus souvent et c'est vraiment plus agréable. La gourde est classe. Je recommande.

Sandrine et jc
Vacances égypte

J'ai pu convaincre mon mari de l'efficacité de la gourde, j'en étais déjà convaincu par tous les commentaires et maintenant elle est adopté pour le travail (l'eau de robinet) merci au fondateur !!
Et j'oubliais top qualité....

Filtre Nouvelle Génération

J’apprécie beaucoup la Société Oko, qui sont à votre écoute , service rapide, et un très Bon Service Après Vente.
Comme je vous l'ai dit dans mon précédent courrier, je trouve la bague de comptage est ridicule car la gourde de 1 litre on la remplis 400 fois et que la bague de comptage est de jusqu'à 12. quand j'ai acheter le filtre avec la bague de comptage, je pansais que c'elle si serais graduer jusqu'à 50 ou 100 avec au dessus une autre bague graduer de 1 à 8 pour le graduée ou de 1 à 4 pour le gradué à 100 50 comme ça la grande bague arriver a 50 ou 100 la seconde montais d'un chiffre jusqu'à arrivé a la fin de vie du filtre. je pense que cela aurais value l'augmentation du filtre des 5€. Pour le moment je vais acheter un filtre donc la graduation mes inutile. Pour le moment j'utilise un élastique pour noter les quantités de remplissage de la gourde sans utiliser l'application.
Bien sur je compte faire un retour sur ma chaine youtube

Sale Off
Replacement filter ÖKO 400 L (Universal) - ÖKO EUROPE

Filtre de rechange ÖKO 378 L (Universel)

EUR 30.00EUR 25.00
BlueRedGreenGreyOrangeYellowSky blueRose